Welcome to Chinese lessons on skype. In the previous lesson, I have introduced a Chinese idiomatic phrase to you. Today, I would like to share a Chinese idiom with you. Today’s idiom is frequently used by the Chinese to show they are humble in singing. The idiom is Johnny one note, wu3 yin1 bu4 quan2 (五音不全in Chinese). Visit Chinese language tutor online to learn more details about the Chinese idiom. 

Johnny one note, wu3 yin1 bu4 quan2 (五音不全in Chinese) usually refers to people who are tone deaf. In China, there were five tones in ancient Chinese music system, namely, do, re, mi, sol, la. By the way, there are seven tones in western music system, that is, do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si. Therefore, people who always stay off-key when singing are jokingly described as Johnny one note, wu3 yin1 bu4 quan2 (五音不全in Chinese). You can learn the usage of the idiom through learning Chinese from Chinese teachers.

According to some researchers, Johnny one note, wu3 yin1 bu4 quan2 (五音不全in Chinese) is geneogenous to a person but not off-key of a person for off-key can be rectified but Johnny one note cannot be rectified through practicing. The physical cause of Johnny one note, wu3 yin1 bu4 quan2 (五音不全in Chinese) is the muscle around ones vocal cords hasnt developed completely. Another reason is because ones poor ability in differentiating tones and it also results in ones cacoepy. The latter can be rectified through practice and even can be improved to the normal level, but the former almost cannot be improved or changed. It is said that there are some professional training classes for those Johnny one note, wu3 yin1 bu4 quan2 (五音不全in Chinese). Some of the classes are quite effective in improving ones ability in differentiating tones. If you have any new findings, please share it with us on e mandarin learning by skype.

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