Firstly, welcome to learn mandarin online live from Beijing, China. Today I would like to introduce one of the house specialties of Sichuan Cuisine. The name of the house specialty is dry-fried green beans, gan1 bian3 dou4 jiao3 (干煸豆角in Chinese). This is a popular dish in most Sichuan cuisine restaurants for its cooking with peppercorns and dried chilies adding spice and smokiness to the flavor profile. You can sign for Chinese lessons tutoring video online to learn more about the house specialty. 

Dry-fried green beans, gan1 bian3 dou4 jiao3 (干煸豆角in Chinese) tastes crispy, tender and refreshing. The basic cooking material includes green beans, peanut or vegetable oil, dried red chilies, ground Sichuan pepper, minced garlic, minced or grated fresh ginger, scallions (white parts only, thinly sliced) and fresh shiitake (finely chopped). Besides, sauce is the necessity to cook this dish, namely, Chinese rice wine or dry sherry, chili bean sauce, sesame oil, sugar and salt. Continue reading the following text on e mandarin learning by skype, you can learn the cooking method of todays dish.

When it comes to the cooking method of the dish, the most important technique is to control the fire when dry-frying the green beans or the dish may be stir-bake to brown. Now remember this tip and cook as the follows: Heat a wok or a large skillet over high heat till a bead of water sizzles and evaporates on contact. Add the peanut oil and swirl to coat the bottom. Then pour the green beans into the wok and stir-fry, keeping the beans moving constantly, for 5 to 6 minutes (or until their faces begin to blister and the beans are wilted). Turn off the heat, remove the green beans, and set aside t ordain on a plate lined with paper towels. Then reheat the wok and add the chilies, Sichuan pepper, garlic, ginger and scallions and stir-fry the green beans till fragrant about 30 seconds. You may have a try with the video guidance on e Chinese channel.

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